Saturday, April 28, 2012

Science Nerds at WAR

My school is competing at NC State today in Raleigh. We are competing against 42 other schools! I'm with some of the most awesome people ever! I'm with Julie and Heather. I'm competing in Microbe Mission and Water Quality. So, if I'm competing against you today.. YOU BETTER WATCH OUT! I'm just kidding but seriously.

I've been pretty stressed. I have a couple of assignments left to complete before the school ends. Also, I have to conquer final exams. CONQUER them I tell you.. CONQUER! Let's just say I am determined to earn A. Very determined.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

What Would You Do?

"Character is doing the right thing when nobody's looking. There are too many people who think that the only thing that's right is to get by, and the only thing that's wrong is to get caught."
~ J.C. Watts

We live in a society that loves to watch the following things: violence, competition, and romance. It's not necessarily in that order. There are a select few movies and reality television shows that really capture the true behavior of humans toward one another. What Would You Do? Is one of those few shows that can capture the horrible and good-nature side of a human being.

By using very talented actors and actress, this show tests the people in the United States how they react to controversial situations. They have covered all types of situations from bullying, racism, abusive relationships, and more. Innocent or not so innocent people are being recorded and observed from hidden locations. The audience who watches these episodes may emote feelings of anger, concern, relief, or joy. It makes the audience make a choice whether they want to be a bystander or take action. It shows the different behaviors of every person. The individual must evaluate what they would do if they were placed in such a situation.

This show has impacted the way I treat my peers, friends, adults, and strangers. In a world where I grow listening to people say "Don't talk to strangers." This show has told me to be a good Samaritan. It's okay to be different. This show has made me disappointed in other people's decisions and their explanation behind their decision. But this show has given me hope. It gives me hope because the majority of people are nice and are truly caring. They perform great acts of kindness even when nobody's looking. It is one of the most influential shows that make me double think about my actions and responses to people who are consistently around me.

In a time where it seems like evil is winning, ABC's What Would You Do? seems to say that the good is greater than the evil in our society. It shows how great humans can be even when it seems like no one is watching.

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Monday, April 16, 2012

If you're taking a test and you know the goal to achieve an A isn't possible.. Forget the A the goal is to SURVIVE.

Have you ever taken a test where things just aren't fair? You studied days upon days. You created endless amount of outlines. Then you take the test. You know the amount you studied deserved at least an A. Then while your taking the test, it's like it's written in another language. Or your teacher decided to pack over one hundred questions in less than 50 minutes. Or the audio that was supposed to go with the last question of the test but it didn't work so you wasted valuable test time to wait for the audio. Pretty annoying ehh? It just comes to times likes this where you just forget that A and survive. I received my test back today and yep, I didn't receive an A. But on the plus I SURVIVED and I PASSED. When 75% of the class didn't even pass it, well that makes you feel pretty special. Issues with the test, issues with the teacher, issues with the overall subject. I'm determined though to get an A in this class. Now that I know how this teacher tests, I know I can do better on her next test. I need to start studying for finals NOW. I'm going to write a killer lab report. I will get an A.

On the side note: remember, Kirsten, you still have to prepare your final speech, prepare for your final in sociology, your piano recital, finish reading Book Thief, and prepare for the AP literature exam so do that too.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

An Interesting Thing You Probably Didn't Know

Let me just clear this up. I'm not visually an artistic person. I can barely draw or paint a masterpiece. But I do know how to sculpt a little bit. I'm not talking like clay pottery or stone structures. I'm talking about sand. Yes, sand. I live about 4 or 5 hours away from the beach. Every time we visit we naturally visit the sandy shores and salty waters. I do more than just lay down on a towel and bake in the sun though. I love helping my father create sandcastles. I'm not just talking about the ones automatically formed in a shovel and pail. I mean legit ones. They're not so easy to create. I don't help with any of the fine, sculpting details. That's what my dad does. I help him create the foundation. When we pick a spot to create the sculpture, we do right where the wet sand and dry sand meet. The foundation is basically the base or structure of the entire thing. You have to do it exactly right or else your sandcastle will crumble into little pieces. So I take the long walk between the ocean and the structure to help form the base. This is how you make a solid base. You place sand, then pack it water back and forth. Trust me walking back and forth to the ocean to collect water is a major workout. We surround it with a roofing tarp to help from a cylindrical base. After adding a couple more additional bases on top of the main base, my dad starts chipping away the sand with random kitchen tools, a water sprayer, and a straw. I don't partake in that part. I usually just build a little wall or a wall with arches in front of the sculpture to highlight the main structure more and as a temporary barrier when the ocean comes to it.


I love sand sculptures because they aren't permanent. They don't last long. They entertain those who have an observant I to see the sculpture. The only things that can preserve them are photographs. It's kind of relaxing to see the ocean wash it away. It's feels so peaceful watching mother nature take it's course. It reminds you that life happens for a reason. We may lose people who we once thought were our friends. We may have formed a great relationship with someone one day, only to see it wash away the next. Sandcastles are like that too. No matter what happened, no matter how things just drifted apart, the only important thing is the great memories that were captured.  

Oh, Happy Easter!

Random thought of the moment: Every one says you only live once but I just truly think that you obviously love Oreos. YOLO.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Bullying.. not just an issue with classmates

Recently, I've been following on Twitter. For the past couple of days, I've seen lots of tweets regarding The Bully Project. The Bully Project is a documentary film exposing the violence and harm of bullying. This unrated movie (at first it was R rated) follows the lives of students who are senselessly bullied by their classmates. Usually, there is very little discipline from teachers or administration. It is an issue that has been taken by national storm. I think it's a fabulous project. Sometimes I feel like I'm unfortunately supporting this horrible act. Not saying anything, watching my friends destroy someone's self worth, even me laughing or agreeing with them. It's something that all of us have possibly done whether we mean it or not. Everyone is important. Everyone needs one another. Our self-worth is worthy. That person with that awkward personality.. maybe he needs someone just to say hi to him everyday. That girl who consistently never stops talking.. maybe she actually has a good idea. We are all entitled to our own opinions but we should never use them to personally hurt someone.

While this project deals with interaction between classmates I think another issue that needs to brought up is the issue of respect between the student and teachers. I've been in situations lately where students have no respect for the higher authority. Teachers work hard to be in the position they are today. They took time to obtain an education beyond high school and devote their time to educate the youth. Now, I'm not trying to say that all teachers deserve to be viewed as equally. There will also be those few who have no respect for their students or have personal issues themselves. There are teachers who do work hard and don't deserve the respect they deserve. Students take advantage of them for no apparent reason. Some students might scoff at this post and say, "Whatever, can't you take a chill pill. We're just joking." Yeah, you can say the same thing when your bullying your classmates. By I think they need to take a double look at themselves. Teachers are people we can look for advice, earn trust, and develop a good relationship with. We respect them because they are doing something that will benefit us and we must do something in return. Some of these teachers may be the ones that we may even look to for college recommendations and more. It's more disturbing when I see everyone pitching in trying to get the teacher off track, not follow their lesson plan, or try to take over the class. I feel awful and helpless. I wish I could stand up to them and say "Look, he's here trying to do his job. Let him do it." 

My final consensus: Respect your teachers. They teach for a reason, not to ruin your life. Bullying is not just an issued between classmates but teachers as well. Do something about it.