It was a busy weekend. I still feel like I didn't have enough sleep. I was seriously up until 3 in the morning. Despite the face that exams are over.. I still have had many things to do. I'm currently in that I don't feel like doing anything mode but I still have plenty to do.
I just finish exams on Friday. I am super anxious for one of my classes to post the final grade because I am right now A/B borderline. It's driving me insane. I just hope that the last grades to be posted are very good so I could snatch that A.
On the bright side, I've been busy settling everything for UNC in the fall (Go Tarheels!) I've been desperately been trying to send my immunization records. (I have gone through so many people just trying to get a copy!) Excitingly, I finally found a roommate for my freshmen year! I can't wait to physically meet her. Oh, the marvelous opportunities social networking provides.
Even though I'm technically done with my senior year. I'm still busy with my high school. I have graduation coming up and have to still order all the medals and cords that I gratefully earned. I still have to finish out my high school class AP Literature and take the AP test Thursday. I'm not too worried about that test though. I found out it doesn't even cover the UNC English requirement so I can't do much about that. It seems like I should be winding down but I am surely just winded up.
It's been busy this year but so far it's been great. I just can't wait to leave this high school. Knowing that I'm going to have a great summer with my club swim team and family and attending one of the best universities in the nation makes me soo ready to leave Foard.
Prom, Exams, Rehearsals, College,
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